Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the direction of mammoplasty. Breast augmentation is a complete surgical procedure. Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia and requires careful preparation of the patient, as well as his stay in the clinic (the period varies depending on the complexity of the surgery and the patient's condition). Various breast augmentation methods have been developed and practiced successfully using different implants. The indications for surgery are primary aplasia (absence of mammary glands), primary hypoplasia (underdevelopment of the mammary glands), involution of the mammary glands, mastectomy (surgical removal of glands, both complete and partial).

From the history of breast augmentation

The need for breast augmentation surgery was dictated by diseases that required the removal of breast tissue or led to deformation, asymmetry of the mammary glands in women. The first attempt at breast augmentation was made in 1889. Liquid paraffin was used as a filler (implant), which was injected into the mammary gland. In 1895, the first augmentation operation was performed using the patient's tissues (in this case, a lipoma that was removed from the patient's thigh). The unsatisfactory results of the operations carried out led to a further search for alternative materials. So, throughout history, doctors have used glass balls, foam, sponges, polyurethane, ivory and many other materials. The introduction of such materials led to the development of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the mammary glands, infections, tissue necrosis and rejection of implanted materials.

Only in the sixties of the last century, for the first time in medical practice for breast augmentation, silicone implants were used, which are the prototypes of those breast implants that are used in modern plastic surgery. The shell of the first implants allowed the passage of filler molecules, which led to the development of aseptic inflammation in patients, and the smooth surface of the implant led to the development of capsular contracture.

In the 1980s, scientists speculated that the silicone breast implants used caused the development of breast cancer. The Food and Drug Administration has conducted numerous studies without finding any confirmation or denial of this hypothesis. Modern breast implants are completely safe for patients' health and innovative technologies allow you to recreate the natural relief, shape and tactile sensations when touching an enlarged breast.

Breast augmentation methods. Non-surgical techniques. Implants

There are two main methods of breast augmentation: surgery and non-surgical practices.

Surgical methods of breast augmentation differ in the type of breast access:

  • Dissection of tissues in the fold(in the natural fold line), which is more comfortable for the surgeon, provides greater access to the tissues, and is preferable for patients, asthe scar will be hidden in the crease;
  • Dissection of the tissues around the areola.It is assumed that the scar is less visible in the areola area, however this technique carries the risk of damage and scarring of the milk ducts, which will interferewith natural lactation during breastfeeding;
  • Axillary Approach- dissection of tissue under the patient's armpit is the most dangerous method of breast augmentation. The main advantage of the technique is the complete absence of scars on the mammary glands.
breast augmentation implants

Based on the method of implant placement, a distinction is made between placing the implants directly under the breast and under the pectoral muscle. Recently, plastic surgeons talked about another method of placing a breast implant under the pectoral muscle fascia, which is actually placement under the breast.

Non-surgical techniques for breast augmentation involve complexes of physical exercises, dietary supplements, hormones (a slight breast augmentation is one of the side effects of some drug groups). It should be noted that physical training is ineffective, as it involves the pectoral muscles. The mammary gland itself does not contain muscle tissue. Dietary supplements and hormonal drugs cause only a slight temporary breast augmentation.

Modern implants are distinguished by their shape (round, teardrop-shaped), surface structure (smooth and ribbed) and filling (saline, gel, hydrogel). The shape and size of the implants are selected individually, based on the natural relief of the patient's breast.

Rehabilitation period after breast augmentation

The rehabilitation period after breast augmentation surgery is characterized by swelling, painful sensations, bruises. The first 14 days after the operation, patients are shown complete rest. A specially selected compression garment should be worn during the first month. In the first three months after breast augmentation, patients should avoid physical activity, visit the swimming pool, sauna. The final result after breast augmentation surgery can only be assessed after 9-12 months.

Breast augmentation: feedback on the operation

Before deciding on a breast augmentation operation, the reviews of which are highly controversial, the patient must understand that mammoplasty is a full-fledged operation, not a cosmetic procedure that carries certain health risks. In order to avoid the negative consequences of the operation, patients are advised to study the existing methods of breast augmentation surgery, the types of implants available, and also to visit the consultations of different plastic surgeons. Breast augmentation, the reviews of which are available on the global network, requires considerable experience of a plastic surgeon in this particular direction. The mistake of a surgeon can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of asymmetry, different sizes, visible scarring, as well as the development of capsular contracture, inflammation, implant rejection and damage during the operation.

Breast augmentation before and after

Many plastic surgeons offer patients to explore the portfolio, which contains a surgeon's work on breast augmentation before and after. This visual demonstration of the results allows patients to evaluate the real possibilities of the operation. The portfolio shows patient photos and breast augmentation results before and after from different angles. Computer modeling allows you to apply the desired aspect ratio to the patient's real physical image.